Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Unique architecture at the intersection of 32nd Ave. & 60th St., Woodside.

Looking west, on left, to the 3 modernistic structures of 58-07/09/11 32nd Avenue while further east, on right, the uniquely ecclesiatically-designed Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church dominates.

Les Trois Mousquetaires?

A propos the vicinity of a church: a one-of-a-kind trinity of architectural wonder.
Convenient amenities.  Lose your keys? . . .
. . . a can opener may do.
While a half block away, the 1960's era constructed Corpus Christi church peeks up sub terram.  Now you see it; now you don't.

A minimilast religious architectural presence.
Beautifully landscaped.
Paging Quasimodo.  Here's the church.  Where's the steeple?