In February 2008, members of the historically-minded community protested the destruction of the St. Saviour's site in Maspeth. What did it get them? The church was dismantled board by board and these boards now sit incognito 7 years later in a cemetery. The church site was developed for warehouses. These photos below show the very vocal and active community protest of 7 years ago and the present view of the same site from last Sunday, May 24, 2015. Currently, the historical Steinway Mansion site is also being developed for warehouses. However, this time no vocal or active
in situ community protests and, I venture to guess, not even on the community's radar. No one- save a very few historically-minded individuals - lifts a finger to preserve it. If you show up to protest or if you just stay home, all is seemingly futile for Queens' historical patrimony.