Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Isn't This Precious? Posey Planting at the Steinway Mansion.

Latest developments at the Steinway Mansion, 18-33  41st Street in Astoria:  a  flower planting of perennials at the hilly incline to the west of the Mansion fencing.  Does this piece of land belong to the Mansion owners or is it public NYC property?   Have the Mansion owners expropriated this land for their own personal use?   The issue was brought up visually in our posting from last November which can be seen HERE and our posting from January which can be seen HERE.

PHOTO 1.  View from Berrian Boulevard looking south.

PHOTO 2.  Extensive floral landscaping positioned on incline east 
of the Mansion.   Who owns this incline?

PHOTO 3.  Night-time view of the recently planted westward-facing incline.
Note Mansion property fencing at the top of the incline.  41st Street runs
from north to south along the bottom of the photo.  North at left, south at right.
So, who does this incline legally belong to?  The Mansion property owners
or the City of New York?

PHOTO 4.  Bird's-eye view of the issue.   Note by top hand symbol the 
public sidewalk's position as opposed to the jutting westward of
the incline into the 41st Street roadway.

PHOTO 6.  Different angle of the bird's-eye view.

PHOTO 7.  An extensive automated watering system has been installed 
on the incline.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Blatant White Supremacy on the Upper Westside of New York City.

Will this statue of a white man  -  gun-slinging NYC born and bred President Theodore Roosevelt  -  sitting high on a horse leading red and black men on foot ever be removed from its prominent position on Central Park West?  

How many Hillary Clinton voters passed and pass this statue by for years on end without ever saying a word?  Where is "antifa"?

Five years ago (December, 2012) the Triumph of Civic Virtue statue at Queens Borough Hall HAD to go but THIS can stay?  Five years and nobody has said a thing?



Don't Be An Asshole!

"The Connecting Highway", Saturday, August 19, 2017